Thursday, January 21, 2010

Partners with Christ

the last few days have been amazing. not like good feeling kinda amazing but what God has been doing one after another in this 8 day trip to perth. it really blows my mind. anyways. tell you the details another time.

today i had a revelation. it suddenly hit me wad prayer is. i was reflecting on my thoughts at prayer mtg ystd, i wanted to pray that ppl at conference would be like jacob in wrestling with God until they get the blessings of God and a new name. and today's sermon was bout "how bad do you want it?" and a mini point was bout jacob! cuz i didnt pray it out ystd. it really made me think. then! i realised that the beautiful thing about prayer is seeing your prayers unfold into reality. it's seeing God's purposes fulfilled here on Earth.

prayer is a PARTNERSHIP with the Lord of Heaven and Earth! how amazing is that! when you pray and see great things happening. you realise that it's not wad you did as a mere human being, with meagre human strength that accomplished it. It is not even God who is able to do everything and anything that he does it himself. alone. But that he allows us to be partners with him! How sweet is his Grace and how deep is his love for us that he would share this responsibilty with us! to see His Glory revealed on Earth. to see his plans and purposes unfold as we partner in prayer.

i'm truly honoured! =D

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

one of a kind...

i've come to realise that you don't have to try to be someone different. or someone special. you are truly one of a kind. the way you talk, and the way you behave, just be yourself because that is what makes you YOU. the more we try, the more disfigured or disorientated we become. it's only when we learn how to embrace and love ourselves, that's when true beauty shows.

even how we live our lives, and what we believe in. our values and our character is what makes us special. it's good to have role models. but remember. stay you. it's good to pick up good behaviour from ppl, learning how to be more responsible etc. but in each, you gotta find your own style, even when living out the same value.

i'm sorry i sound so messy cuz it seems like i am talking to you, me, from me, whatever. but yeah. i am actually talking to me. =D anyways gotta run. meeting my beloved mentee in half an hour. cheerios.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010 thus far.

2010 has thus far been a great year. i can't help but think of what it'll be like on 21st feb when i take the airplane back to perth again. ppl tell me it gets easier. but to me. i think it gets harder and harder.

amazing things that has been happening: my new year resolutions seem to be in line with wad is being preached on pulpit. it's like god saying, you are still grounded here, though i've called u to be in perth for this season. =D

i've met up with loads of groups of ppl. ppl whom i thought i might not meet. and it's been great joy just catching up.

bible reading schedule, not on schedule but a daily routine. check!

upcoming influencers conference. DEAR JESUS! as i serve. or help out in any way possible. i pray you speak to me and direct me in your ways. may i be attentive to your leading and follow in obedience.

friends. friends. friends. i'm greatly blessed. =D