Wednesday, January 13, 2010

one of a kind...

i've come to realise that you don't have to try to be someone different. or someone special. you are truly one of a kind. the way you talk, and the way you behave, just be yourself because that is what makes you YOU. the more we try, the more disfigured or disorientated we become. it's only when we learn how to embrace and love ourselves, that's when true beauty shows.

even how we live our lives, and what we believe in. our values and our character is what makes us special. it's good to have role models. but remember. stay you. it's good to pick up good behaviour from ppl, learning how to be more responsible etc. but in each, you gotta find your own style, even when living out the same value.

i'm sorry i sound so messy cuz it seems like i am talking to you, me, from me, whatever. but yeah. i am actually talking to me. =D anyways gotta run. meeting my beloved mentee in half an hour. cheerios.


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