Tuesday, October 27, 2009

submission + obedience

today i learnt a new level of submission and obedience. i realised that sometimes, the things that God has called you to do might not be what you wanna do. at first i thought so, like i asked God "why does it have to be so hard?! isn't it supposed to be easier? like you give me the passion or desire to do it and then i'll do it happily?" and today, i remember Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane and i remember Abraham who had to sacrifice isaac. both of them did not like what God asked them to do (and i believed they both struggled big time) but they submitted and obeyed to His ways. They chose to obey He whose ways and thoughts are higher than ours.

so today, no matter how i felt, no matter what i thought, it did not matter. God mattered. living for Him and making Him happy mattered to me. and so i chose submission and obedience. and i know already that he will bless me, and his anointing and power will be upon me.

"obey, and later you'll understand. but if you try to understand first, you'll never do" mike connell


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